About Us



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Daydreaming fool for art, music, and literature. Wandering from galleries to bookshops, Ned’s comically lanky frame draws him through the city searching for street art and eccentric houses. Unsure of which decade he’s in, Ned alternates between film and digital as often as the weather.

“Photography, as an art form, has always fascinated me; it’s at once an objective documentation of a moment and a subjective articulation of a story. I’ve studied and attempted to create art in every medium over the years, but a camera is the one artistic tool to which I continually return. After growing up enthralled by the photographs of Newton, Cartier-Bresson, and Man Ray, this feels like a natural creative outlet.”

Searching for Street Art // Ned Riley

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Avid traveler, kook, and tiki cocktail connoisseur. This black and white project parallels his daily exchange from his suit and tie to his board shorts and aloha shirts. When he isn't holding court with friends, you may catch Phil skating through the streets of Washington, D.C., never far from a pair of headphones or his camera:

"This type of project had been brewing in the back of mind for years. I had to face the reality that I had never properly channeled my ideas and the aesthetics that I've always dreamed of sharing.

A couple of years ago, I started seeking out new methods to rid myself of mental clutter, and I found myself in a rather comforting routine: Coffee, skate, daydream, skate, coffee, beer, rum, repeat. In between those, I manage to travel around and snap a few pictures."

"Coffee, skate, daydream, skate, coffee, beer, rum, repeat. In between those, I manage to travel around and snap a few pictures." -PH

Holding Court // Phil Hernandez